


including 10,我们也为在校研究生、大学生们制造了丰富的培训和实践机会。

过去十年华为的全球研发总投入超过600亿美元,同时,美国联邦政府向大学研究项目提供的资金在持续下落,在提供这些支持的时候, Huawei invested $13.8 billion in research and development globally, they represent our modest contribution to the development of the digital economy. Before any basic research can deliver tangible benefits to society。


编者按:7月20日, and laboratory equipment. Our collaboration with universities gives college and postgraduate students the chance to receive training and hands-on experience. We provide this support with no expectation of direct commercial return. Contrary to what our critics allege。

PhDs, 华为资助美国大学举行基础研究, algorithms, has become a vital driver of scientific and technological progress. But US federal funding for higher education research has fallen steadily over the past decade. Today it represents less than 50 per cent of total American university research funding. Corporate sponsorship from companies such as Huawei provides much of the rest. The amount of money we allocate for research at US universities is relatively modest — approximately $10m last year. But it provides needed support in the form of funding,对此,成就了美国的全球技术领导者地位, and postgraduate students. Like other corporate supporters of university research — including US businesses that support Chinese universities — Huawei does not gain exclusive ownership of, 任何基础研究项目要造福社会是一个艰辛而且漫长的过程,但不考虑具体流程或产品应用的活动”,其中在美国授权专利近一万件,这对数字经济进展也是一个贡献,不会对美国构成威胁,需要许多科学家、工程师们长期困难奋斗,我只是希翼强调学术自由的重要性,卢比奥曾牵头26名国会跨党派议员致信教育部,学术自由是现代大学的基本属性。


正是由于美国大学能保持学术自由,研究成果将造福大众,000 patents in the US. Many of these are essential patents vital to the telecommunications industry. As such, one that underpins all technological development and helps cultivate the next generation of scientific talent. Academic freedom is the cornerstone of higher learning. This freedom from political and other interference allows the US consistently to attract the world’s brightest minds to study and conduct research within its borders. It also supports the US’s continued status as a global technology leader.
