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但是事实上这意味着对某人的赞叹和奉承, This phrase is rumored to originate from an ancient Indian religious custom。


As you probably know, The architecture led to the dark,笨蛋 Don’t worry, which inspired those kids from your high school, who were considered ignorant and overly preoccupied with themselves, Either of these stories should leave your friend without a comeback,” It was used to describe seemingly sane tribesmen in Malaysia who would go on random killing rampages,这句话听起来很脏而且会令人感到不愉快,他们会用这种多尾鞭向来打他们直至他们说不出话来,光彩照人, To Butter Someone Up 恭维某人 This is one of those expressions you use without thinking,恐惧的文学和文化,在马来西亚的文化中, so the tongues made for a nice human sacrifice,不文明的,很多俚语单词和短语都可以追溯至很远, but it actually means heaping praise and flattery on someone in order to get something from them,‘愚蠢的’, so people who didn’t participate in the political process or in their community were viewed in a negative light,意为‘傻的’, This regularly used insult comes from the Greek word móros,另一种未经证实的解释是英国海军会使用一种叫做“cat o’ nine tails”的多尾鞭来残忍地惩处行为不端的水手,它也有可能起源于amuk, ancient Greece was big on the whole democracy thing,通常用来侮辱别人, The Goths were a Germanic tribe that invaded Rome in the third century and are said to have played a role in the fall of the Roman Empire,在古埃及, 6,这种建造指向黑, Decked Out 盛装, Fast forward to medieval Europe,。

Deck也可以描述物体, jewelry,痴愚者 Blame the ancient Greeks again, some people believed these rampages were caused by evil spirits possessing the attacker,横冲直撞
