rectangle什么意思 rectangle是什么?当我们听到别人用英语跟你沟通的时候,如果你不懂的就会显得比较紧张。因为担心对方说你这么简单都不懂,那么rectangle是什么意思呢?今天我们就来快速为你解答。
rectangle 基本解释
rectangle 相关例句
1. He folded his newspaper into a neatrectangle.
rectangle什么意思 rectangle是什么
rectangle 网络解释
1. 长方形:在程序当中设计相关的类,能够实现对于直角三角形(Triangle) ,长方形(Rectangle) 以及圆形(Circle)的周长和面积的求解.
2. 矩形工具:工具箱中的笔刷工具(Brush)、铅笔工具(Pencil),矩形工具(Rectangle),和椭圆工具(Ellipse tools)等是即可以作矢量mask工具又可以作位图mask工具,而钢笔工具只能做矢量mask工具.
3. 矩形 矩形:矩形 矩形(Rectangle)又叫箱形,也是一种典型的整理形态. 价格上升到某水平时遇上阻力,掉头回落,但很快便获得支持而回升,可是回升到前次相同高点时却再一次受阻,而挫落到上矩形(Rectangle)又叫箱形,也是一种典型的整理形态.
rectangle 双语例句
1. First, the integral equation of an infinite phased array ofrectanglewaveguide withrectanglegrid was deduced and its solution by moment method was presented either. And then, another applied widely analysis method - mode matching method was introduced. Following, the paper represented the analysis method of triangle grid phased array. Moreover, the infinite phased array with WAIM (added with metallic iris plate on each aperture of waveguide element and covered with dielectric sheet) in front of the array was analysised and its property of wide-angle matching was studied, too.
2. Crystals withrectangle-like, cube-like and discus-like morphology were obtained in addition to microspheres by adjusting the experimental parameters.
rectangle什么意思 rectangle是什么
3. Flag surface for red, therectangle, its long and high is three and two ratios, the flag surface upper left side decorates decadent five pointed star five.
4. This is also how some add-on 3D-rendering cards work, dropping the video into any chosenrectangleof the display.
5. The maximalrectanglecorrection is introduced in the horizontal correction, also considering that the resist absorbed energy density distribution is different at different depth.
上文就关于rectangle什么意思 rectangle是什么的相关解答,相信看完后你就懂了,为了帮助更多朋友能解答不懂的词汇,我们整理了最专业的知识。